Make500 Progress (4%)
Part 1
Who is your ideal mini-course customer?

We need to talk about WHO you are helping 🕵🏻‍♀️🕵🏻‍♂️

It’s a VERY common mistake to dive straight into the tactical work—to start writing out how you’re going to help someone (which is great) without really pinpointing WHO that someone is!

Taking just a few extra minutes to do that will help you speak directly to your customer in the language they understand.

First up, think about the type of person who will benefit most from your mini-course. Who are they and what do they value? Use these questions to help hone your person in a bit...

  • With what job do they self-identify? How would they introduce themselves?
  • Do they dislike certain things related to your mini-course topic?
  • What are their top priorities related to your mini-course topic?

Next, what does your ideal customer need right now?

  • What do they dream about for their life?
  • What are they struggling with?
  • What questions are they searching online for?
  • What information would help them reach their goals?
  • What do you know that would make their life better?

Let’s look at a fictitious mini-course objective to answer these ideal audience questions so you can get an idea of how to define your own audience for your unique mini-course.

Example Objective: My mini-course will help someone become financially free and less stressed about money (transformation) by teaching them how to build a debt-payoff plan (the specific outcome).

How they self-identify: Small business owners who work for themselves, manage their own schedule, wear lots of hats in their daily life, and feel overwhelmed with managing their finances on top of all that.

Do they dislike certain things: They loathe looking at their bank account, credit card statements, and feel intimidated by the idea of working with a financial advisor because the entire process seems complicated.

What do you they dream about: That relieving feeling of finally paying off their debt and a dead-simple plan that gets them there.

What are their struggles: They don’t have time to read books about personal finance. They have too much going on in life and business to learn some complicated debt-payoff system. They don’t have the money to hire someone to help them.

What are they searching online for: Simple debt-payoff plan. Ways to get out of debt. Free debt-payoff system. Step-by-step debt payoff.

What info would help them reach their goals: A non-complicated system for organizing debt. A quick win when it comes to paying down ONE of their debts. Shifting their mindset about their debt.

In the Lesson Resources box of this lesson, we have a Target Audience Template you can use to answer these questions for your own mini-course objective and ideal customer.
